Ok so SU campus is filled with a lot different of people.
A lot of the times when people want a "social life" what they'll do is join a sorority or a fraternity.
I really don't have anything against anyone for doing so, especially at cusetown considering the only way you're going to get into a party is if you're not a dude.
After this process, there is generally an immediate increase in what many would refer to as an Ego.
The amount of people that have had a complete personality flip from this process is INCREDIBLE.
To generalize my conclusion, a good amount of these people begin to believe that they might be some sort of supernatural being/untouchable/cooler than the coolest ((Chuck & Mikey I got you're back on this one)). Notice the keywords: a good amount meaning not all. So hold yo tongues my brothas and sistas.
A trend I've begun to notice amongst these good amount of people is a little something I like to call the "Half Ass Hey"
You know how when you see someone who you haven't seen in a while and you're like "Oh, I know them" and you kinda give a distant smile followed by an awkward kinda halfway lifted wave? And then that person just kind of blankly stares at you as if they don't know you, or just sees you then quickly looks away? It's kinda like that.
You know it's mad wrong when a person knows they know you, but then they have to do something that makes them seem like they're just a little too cool to make any sort of contact with you.
Like why do people do that? I honestly don't get it. Not only does it make things extra awkward but why is it so difficult to just lift your hand and wave back? Perhaps give a smile or a nod. Whatever floats your boat.
Personally I think it's just a little rude.
I think the thing that gets me the most about this is that it really is so obnoxious, and what most of you don't realize is that life is short. While we spend so much time purposefully ignoring each other, we could be waving hello instead of never saying goodbye.
So next time any of you youngins see someone you know, save the dramatics.
Be brave! Get crazy!! Wave hello! Cause lets be real... no one likes a half ass hey.
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