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Just a young gun trying to live my life (I do not claim any of the photos on this blog unless stated)

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Night In London

For the past few summers I've been sitting around waiting for my friends and I to go on this amazing road trip that we've always been talking about. Unfortunately waiting around had no longer become an option for me. So I decided I was going to do some traveling by myself.

After convincing my parents that London was where I belonged, it took me about two days to get there under the most ridiculous circumstances. Since my dad is a flight attendant, I got the automatic hookup. Aka free flights to wherever I want.

After traveling for two days straight, and losing all of my luggage, I arrived in London. After spending a long day roaming parks and attending concerts Gabz wanted to take me, my friends Harry and Monica (my fellow Americans who were also staying the week with Gabz) out to some club where Kid Cudi was making an appearence.
Of course we arrive just a little bit fashionably late and we end up waiting in this HUGE line, then they tell us we can't go in because too many bitties had filled the joint up. This was the first issue

We had already spent a good amount of time waiting and the night was going nowhere. Harry, Monica and I decided we didn't want wait in line and do nothing all night, but Gabz insisted on waiting at this one club while we ventured to another one.
We walk a few blocks to apparently the most amazing club in London, otherwise known as "Mahiki". To put it in short terms it was like a Kahunaville for adults. It was really dark, lots of strobe and colorful lights, and a buttload of tiki statues along with a bunch of drunk middle aged people.
Our P of A was to get drinks then hit the dance floor. The second we hit the dance floor Monica is immediately whisked away by some british gentleman, so Harry and I just continued to dance. It was a little crowded for comfort but we made the best of it. There were these two strange characters who looked a little something like guido Brad Pitt twins that just popped out of Dragon Ball Z (if you can imagine that). They were getting a little intense on the dance floor, but I just blew it off. Seconds later I see one of them head butt Harry. Like WTF? What is going on?! Why did that happen? I had no clue and I was not in the mood to try and break up a fight so after the rumble I was able to lead Harry off the floor. It wasn't until then that we had realized that Monica was nowhere in sight. This was the second issue.
After looking around for a little we find her simply conversing with this fine British gentleman, then Gabz calls us and tells us she wasn't able to get into her club, or the one we were at so she was forced to go home. 
It was getting kinda late and we had our fun at this joint so Harry and I were ready to call it a night. 
Unfortunately Monica wasn't ready to leave. We tried to convince her several times that we had to go together because we for 1. Didn't have enough money to taxi back to Gabz's without her, and 2. We didn't know where the hell we were or how to get back, and Gabz was already asleep. In attempt to solve these issues we literally began roaming the streets trying to find the cheapest route home. We asked around the best way to get home and soon discovered that we were too far away to reach any bus route near home. Long story short, we were fucked.

I tell Harry to wait outside while I try to convince Monica to come home with us. So I get inside, and by this time Moniques man is so fed up with us, if I recall he paid us to leave and promised that he would get her home safe. For everyone's information I was not down to leave my girl at this club and it took some SERIOUS convincing to allow me to do so. 
As I'm walking out I see Harry at the corner of the street talking to some black dude who has his arm around him. As curious as I am, I slowly walk up to them. This guy creeps his eyes back at me and says "Are you with him?" and I go "Uhh... yeah." He looks back at Harry and reassures him by saying "You a lucky man, you a lucky man." He released his arm from around him, then Harry runs. Yes, Harry runs for dear life and leaves me behind, stranded in the middle of London.

Confused as HELL, I start running after Harry asking him what the hell was going on. He started yelling at me saying "HE TRIED TO RAPE ME!! HE TRIED TO RAPE ME!!!" For some odd reason this seemed difficult for me to believe and I tried to explain to him that it probably wasn't what it seemed, and to this day his response remains "He wasn't interested in you, he was interested in me," OBVIOUSLY this was the case.
We ended up convincing this taxi driver to take us to our abode for 20 pounds. What a deal. 
Five hours later we arrive home and legit pass out. Monica ended up making it home safe and sound THANK GOD. 
Believe it or not, this was just one of many ridiculous happenings London had in store for me.

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